Are You Ready To Become The Best Version of Yourself?

Anxious adults work with me to master their emotions and build better relationships with self-love.

If you're tired of living in scarcity, self-doubt, and fear... this is your sign. Choose growth and embrace all that you can be.

Are You Ready To Become The Best Version of Yourself?

Anxious adults work with me to master their emotions and build better relationships with self-love.

If you're tired of living in scarcity, self-doubt, and fear... this is your sign. Choose growth and embrace all that you can be.

Imagine Waking Up And...

  • Looking in the mirror with self-love and adoration for yourself.

  • Feeling invigorated with natural energy and a clear head.

  • Embodying a deep inner peace and calm no matter what situations come up.

  • Being comfortable with handling strong emotions without letting them take over.

  • Trusting your body as being strong and resilient to handle life's challenges.

  • Having the confidence that no matter what happens that day, you'll be better by the end of it.

Imagine Waking Up And...

  • Feeling invigorated with natural energy and a clear head.

  • Looking in the mirror with self-love and adoration for yourself.

  • Embodying a deep inner peace and calm no matter what situations come up.

  • Being comfortable with handling strong emotions without letting them take over.

  • Trusting your body as being strong and resilient to handle life's challenges.

  • Having the confidence that no matter what happens that day, you'll be better by the end of it.

Want to finally take control of your health and your life?

Let me help you make the permanent shift to optimum physical, mental, and emotional health.

Ready to finally master your emotions and find your flow?

Let me help you transform your perspective so that you can find growth opportunities inside every experience, fueling you to reach new levels of joy and contentment in your life.

Why Do Most Programs Fail?

Tackling only one aspect of health: health starts on the inside, with your thoughts and emotions - but what you put in your body and how you move your body also matter.

Nutrition for weight loss, not mental health: Not all calories are created equal! What you eat makes a huge difference in how you feel inside.

All talk, no action: You need more than just someone to listen to you - you need actionable advice and insights you can put into practice.

Using overly restrictive diets: Carbs are not your enemy, and completely cutting out food that you love isn't sustainable for the long term.

No personalized support: Everyone's different. One-size-fits-all approaches leave you feeling frustrated and stuck.

This needs to stop!

You Have Two Options...

Option 1: stay comfortable and complacent, continue letting life happen to you, and maintain the same cycles of self-doubt, fear, and unsatisfaction.

Option 2: embrace discomfort and GROW, allowing life to happen FOR you, using every experience as the PERFECT fuel for building your best self.

Are you ready to build the life you deserve?

You Have Two Options...

Option 1: stay comfortable and complacent, continue letting life happen to you, and maintain the same cycles of self-doubt, fear, and unsatisfaction.

Option 2: embrace discomfort and GROW, allowing life to happen FOR you, using every experience as the PERFECT fuel for building your best self.

Are you ready to build the life you deserve?

What Sets Us Apart

A focus on emotional health:

We'll tackle mental and emotional health by helping you let go of limiting beliefs, build emotional mastery, and find self-love.

An unshakable growth mindset:

I'll teach you how to shift from the victim mindset to the student mindset so you can grow through anything life throws your way.

Balanced nutrition habits:

You'll learn how to eat in a healthy and flexible way so you can still enjoy the foods you love without sacrificing your health.

Work smarter, not harder:

Learn simple frameworks to help expand your self-awareness, increase your emotional intelligence, and work through anxiety.

1 on 1 support throughout the program:

Together we'll build a balanced, sustainable lifestyle tailored to YOU so it's easy to follow and brings continuous progress.

If you're...

  • Tired of putting yourself down with negative self talk

  • Ready to let go of anxiety, anger, and sadness and find inner peace

  • Eager to take control of your health inside and out

  • Sure there’s more to life and ready to start turning your dreams into reality

... then Wholesome You Academy is for you!

What Sets Us Apart

A focus on emotional health:

We'll tackle mental and emotional health by helping you let go of limiting beliefs, build emotional mastery, and find self-love.

An unshakable growth mindset:

I'll teach you how to shift from the victim mindset to the student mindset so you can grow through anything life throws your way.

Balanced nutrition habits:

You'll learn how to eat in a healthy and flexible way so you can still enjoy the foods you love without sacrificing your health.

Work smarter, not harder:

Learn simple frameworks to help expand your self-awareness, increase your emotional intelligence, and work through anxiety.

1 on 1 support throughout the program:

Together we'll build a balanced, sustainable lifestyle tailored to YOU so it's easy to follow and brings continuous progress.

If you're...

  • Tired of putting yourself down with negative self talk

  • Ready to let go of anxiety, anger, and sadness and find inner peace

  • Eager to take control of your health inside and out

  • Sure there’s more to life and ready to start turning your dreams into reality

... then Wholesome You Academy is for you!

What to Expect

Weekly coaching - in person or via Zoom

Video lessons on Mindfulness, Nutrition, and Wellness topics

Worksheets and journal exercises to raise your consciousness

12 week workout plan with state of the art methods
Customized nutrition plan built for you
24/7 access to coaching support via Telegram

What to Expect

Weekly coaching via Zoom

Video lessons on Mindfulness, Nutrition, and Fitness topics

Worksheets and journal exercises to raise your consciousness

12 week workout plan with state of the art methods
Customized nutrition plan built around you
24/7 access to coaching support via Telegram

The Cost of Procrastination is the Life you Could Have Lived...

When you're on your death bed, do you want to look back at a life half lived out of fear?

Or a life where you continuously invested in yourself, becoming the best you can and supporting everyone around you out of love?

It's time to take action.

Will you choose love or fear?

The Cost of Procrastination is the Life you Could Have Lived...

When you're on your death bed, do you want to look back at a life half lived out of fear?

Or a life where you continuously invested in yourself, becoming the best you can and supporting everyone around you out of love?

It's time to take action.

Will you choose love or fear?

In 90 days you'll have...

Unconditional self-love and deep inner peace with total acceptance of yourself.

Healthier relationships in all areas of life with less conflict and more joy.

A resilient mindset to grow through anything life throws your way.

A solid understanding of nutrition with balanced habits that support optimal health and longevity.

A leaner, stronger body with better mobility and flexibility.


"Before this course I felt very on edge and I was overthinking constantly about things that were outside my control. Put plainly, I didn't feel at home in my body since I was so tense living the majority of my days in my brain.

Now, after Ben has given me the tools to look inwards, I have been able to gain control of my inner thoughts and prioritize the constructive ones and dispose of the thinking patterns that used to keep me in a loop. I am now able to see the ones that were lies that came from my past experiences, and it's much easier now to sift through my thoughts to see what's false while meeting myself with understanding. I am able to trust myself more since I know I have my own back. With this, my confidence has increased and I'm able to make choices with ease and lessen my indecisive tendencies.

It was really helpful to have Ben's support in surveying my emotional landscape, taking away the social stigma of bad/good emotions. I still have my days however now I have the foundation of tools to tackles them as they arise. Ben has an amazing attitude and I could tell he was personally invested in my progress. He also had an open ear and heart to discuss hard topics.

I feel more confident and accepting of myself even in the times that aren't the easiest. I have also been able to set boundaries with friends and family, in addition to actively trying to communicate more directly instead of not speaking up.

The course was the kick in the butt (in the most loving way) that I needed in order to start the process of loving and accepting myself where I am currently in life.

I would definitely recommend this course! Ben has provided such a life-changing experience for me and facilitated many "ah ha" moments. Amidst the hardships of the past, light has been shed in the most loving way that has propelled me forward in my next journey with self."

Chantel S.

"I can’t thank Ben enough for helping me recognize and deconstruct patterns of thinking innate from my childhood to put me on a more productive way of thinking. I'm now happy for the first time in 28 years!

I've learned that being mindful of taking care of ones health is more important than anything else. I’m telling you, Ben will change your life!

Also, you’ve helped me rediscover my self-identity. I used to only identify myself as a soldier or an athlete, but working with you I’ve been able to recognize it is all me, I’m not just this one thing. It’s freeing!"

Jason B.

"Ben has been working with me for the past month on my nutrition and fitness. After discussing what my objective was Ben devised a workout and meal plan specific to what I wanted to achieve.

I was 238 lbs now I’m 219 pounds, I am pleased with the results. We still have more to work on in other respects, I am happy and grateful. The experience has been wonderful, Ben is always quick to respond when I have any questions or concerns.

Also, implementing the program into my lifestyle has changed me in a positive way. It has modified the way I do things now to make better and healthier choices. Thank you Ben for your help."

Anastacio R.

"Before I started this program with Ben I never really looked at myself in the mirror and if I did I would pick apart myself and fill my head with so many negative thoughts. I hated the way I looked, woke up feeling gross about myself, and fueled my emotions with food.

Ben gave me the resources to fuel my body with healthy choices and gave me guidance on shifting my mindset. Within the first two weeks, I started feeling the difference - I was less bloated, woke up ready to face whatever may come my way each day and my clothes started fitting differently.

I'm extremely grateful for Ben and his program. For the first time in my life, I feel like I have control over my emotions and am able to process the hard stuff in a healthy way. Through this journey I have learned sometimes it takes feeling completely vulnerable and uncomfortable to really start the road to a better version of yourself - Without change there is no progress."

Jillian L.

"It has been a better part of a year since I asked for Ben’s advice regarding something I had been carrying for over a decade. Something I let define me simply because I never quite understood the impact it had on my younger self.

As all highly competitive and successful athletes know, serious injuries are always difficult to prevent and even more difficult to overcome. The body might heal, but sometimes it’s the mind that requires attention. In my case, I went from being one of the best to barely being able to run in the blink of an eye. While I did get back to being relatively competitive, I never quite got back to the top. It was as if my life was suddenly turned upside down.

This was a traumatic experience that I never quite understood. Ben had the ability to listen to my story and understand the impact these events had on my person. He was able to provide the perspective I needed in order to finally grow and overcome this life-changing event that I had never quite been able to put behind me. I will forever remember the feeling of relief as the weight I carried on my shoulders lifted as I finally set myself free."

Daniel T.


"Before this course I felt very on edge and I was overthinking constantly about things that were outside my control. Put plainly, I didn't feel at home in my body since I was so tense living the majority of my days in my brain.

Now, after Ben has given me the tools to look inwards, I have been able to gain control of my inner thoughts and prioritize the constructive ones and dispose of the thinking patterns that used to keep me in a loop. I am now able to see the ones that were lies that came from my past experiences, and it's much easier now to sift through my thoughts to see what's false while meeting myself with understanding. I am able to trust myself more since I know I have my own back. With this, my confidence has increased and I'm able to make choices with ease and lessen my indecisive tendencies.

It was really helpful to have Ben's support in surveying my emotional landscape, taking away the social stigma of bad/good emotions. I still have my days however now I have the foundation of tools to tackle them as they arise. Ben has an amazing attitude and I could tell he was personally invested in my progress. He also had an open ear and heart to discuss hard topics.

I feel more confident and accepting of myself even in the times that aren't the easiest. I have also been able to set boundaries with friends and family, in addition to actively trying to communicate more directly instead of not speaking up.

This course was the kick in the butt (in the most loving way) that I needed in order to start the process of loving and accepting myself where I am currently in life.

I would definitely recommend this course! Ben has provided such a life-changing experience for me and facilitated many "ah ha" moments. Amidst the hardships of the past, light has been shed in the most loving way that has propelled me forward in my next journey with self."

Chantel S.

"I can’t thank Ben enough for helping me recognize and deconstruct patterns of thinking innate from my childhood to put me on a more productive way of thinking. I'm now happy for the first time in 28 years!

I've learned that being mindful of taking care of ones health is more important than anything else. I’m telling you, Ben will change your life!

Also, you’ve helped me rediscover my self-identity. I used to only identify myself as a soldier or an athlete, but working with you I’ve been able to recognize it is all me, I’m not just this one thing. It’s freeing!"

Jason B.

"Ben has been working with me for the past month on my nutrition and fitness. After discussing what my objective was Ben devised a workout and meal plan specific to what I wanted to achieve.

I was 238 lbs now I’m 219 pounds, I am pleased with the results. We still have more to work on in other respects, I am happy and grateful. The experience has been wonderful, Ben is always quick to respond when I have any questions or concerns.

Also, implementing the program into my lifestyle has changed me in a positive way. It has modified the way I do things now to make better and healthier choices. Thank you Ben for your help."

Anastacio R.

"Before I started this program with Ben I never really looked at myself in the mirror and if I did I would pick apart myself and fill my head with so many negative thoughts. I hated the way I looked, woke up feeling gross about myself, and fueled my emotions with food.

Ben gave me the resources to fuel my body with healthy choices and gave me guidance on shifting my mindset. Within the first two weeks, I started feeling the difference - I was less bloated, woke up ready to face whatever may come my way each day and my clothes started fitting differently.

I'm extremely grateful for Ben and his program. For the first time in my life, I feel like I have control over my emotions and am able to process the hard stuff in a healthy way. Through this journey I have learned sometimes it takes feeling completely vulnerable and uncomfortable to really start the road to a better version of yourself - Without change there is no progress."

Jillian L.

"It has been a better part of a year since I asked for Ben’s advice regarding something I had been carrying for over a decade. Something I let define me simply because I never quite understood the impact it had on my younger self.

As all highly competitive and successful athletes know, serious injuries are always difficult to prevent and even more difficult to overcome. The body might heal, but sometimes it’s the mind that requires attention. In my case, I went from being one of the best to barely being able to run in the blink of an eye. While I did get back to being relatively competitive, I never quite got back to the top. It was as if my life was suddenly turned upside down.

This was a traumatic experience that I never quite understood. Ben had the ability to listen to my story and understand the impact these events had on my person. He was able to provide the perspective I needed in order to finally grow and overcome this life-changing event that I had never quite been able to put behind me. I will forever remember the feeling of relief as the weight I carried on my shoulders lifted as I finally set myself free."

Daniel T.

Hey! I'm Ben Fairbrother,

your Emotional Health Coach.

My mission is to help as many people as possible master their emotions and learn to love themselves unconditionally so they can take heart-centered action and build their dreams.

I'm on a lifelong journey of personal growth and am so excited to share it with you.

I've gone from emotionally illiterate to emotionally intelligent by radically expanding my self-awareness and getting comfortable with vulnerability.

I've spent years experimenting with nutrition and educating myself about the latest science, when I finally figured it out I lost 35 lbs in just 3 months and kept it off.

I've committed myself to mastery of physical fitness and performance, learning from professional bodybuilders and using cutting-edge research to find the most efficient way to pack on lean muscle.

Certified Transformation Specialist - ISSA

Certified Elite Trainer - ISSA

Certified Personal Trainer - ISSA

Certified Sports Nutritionist - ISSA

Purple Belt in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu - Brazilian Top Team

Hey! I'm Ben Fairbrother,

your Emotional Health Coach.

My mission is to help as many people as possible master their emotions and learn to love themselves unconditionally so they can take heart-centered action and build their dreams.

I'm on a lifelong journey of personal growth and am so excited to share it with you.

I've gone from emotionally illiterate to emotionally intelligent by radically expanding my self-awareness and getting comfortable with vulnerability.

I've spent years experimenting with nutrition and educating myself about the latest science, when I finally figured it out I lost 35 lbs in just 3 months and kept it off.

I've committed myself to mastery of physical fitness and performance, learning from professional bodybuilders and using cutting-edge research to find the most efficient way to pack on lean muscle.

Certified Transformation Specialist - ISSA

Certified Elite Trainer - ISSA

Certified Personal Trainer - ISSA

Certified Sports Nutritionist - ISSA

Purple Belt in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu - Brazilian Top Team

Not Ready To Take Action?

Join my email list and I'll send you my freebie:

7 Ways to Stay Calm and Balanced in a Chaotic World

You'll learn 7 simple habits to help you overcome stress and anxiety no matter what life throws at you.

So what are you waiting for?!

Not Ready To Take Action?

Join my email list and I'll send you my freebie:

The Last Nutrition Guide You'll Ever Need.

You'll learn my simple approach to lose 10 lbs in 30 days without macro or calorie counting.

So what are you waiting for?!